
Observantly attend to any technological device

The Vibrations

We consist of vibrating groupings of molecules, uninterruptedly permeated by and screened off from various fluctuations.

Oscillations and waves make us sweat, relax, tense, hear, see and more.

Extending well into space, Earth’s magnetic field subtends radio waves and wireless networks.

It likewise carries intelligence that directly interlinks living beings.

Technologies impact transference, like the technique of the caring heart.

The heart tempers resonant frequencies and establishes sustaining connections between us, other beings and the geomagnetic field of the globe.

In the midst of radiation, we are radiating factors – complex processes of de- and recomposition – that have the opportunity to generate spells of synchronicity.

Apparently transhuman, “we are bodies in technology,” used by technology in endless nature-culture information processes (Ihde 2001, 137), even by technologies of compassion.

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